- Decided to make some muffins tonight. Who doesn't love muffins c'mon! I found an Ultimate Brownie Muffins recipe on Pinterest and decided to try them out. They were really delicious but it was so hard for me to decide which recipe I really wanted to try out haha. If you have any great recipes, please share.
- Odlučila sam napraviti muffine danas. Zar postoji netko tko ne voli muffine?! Pronašla sam Ultimate Brownie Muffins recept na Pinterestu i odlučila ga isprobati. Bili su jako ukusni, ali bilo mi je jako teško odlučiti se koji recept zapravo želim isprobati. Ako imate neke dobre recepte, molim podijelite.
- Still trying to read more books but it's soo hard to fit them in my schedule because all I really do these days is studying.
- Još uvijek pokušavam više čitati ali jednostavno je preteško strpati knjige u raspored kada je sve što radim ovih dana učenje.
- Valentine's Day is coming! It's all about love cards and chocolates these days. I would buy all of it but I have no one to give it to haha. I hope that you, love birds, have a wonderful day with your partners while the free birds, aka me, have a day full with happiness and remember there is someone for you, but you probably haven't met them yet
- Valentinovo nam stiže! Ovih dana je sve prepuno ljubavnim čestitkama i čokoladama. Kupila bih sve ali nemam to kome pokloniti haha. Nadam se da ćete vi, ljubavne ptičice, provesti divan dan sa svojim partnerima dok slobodne ptičice, odnosno ja, provedite dan ispunjen srećom i sjetite se da postoji netko za vas samo ga još niste upoznali
- I think I'm obsessed with Conor Maynard. I've been listening to his sing off videos lately and all I can say is that I'm really proud of what he has succeded through years. I remember him since the Vegas girl video dropped out and to see him now with Madison Beer and Pixie Lott is really amazing. Here is the link if you want to check out his videos. SING OFF
- Mislim da sam opsjednuta Conor Maynardom. Nedavno sam počela slušati njegova sing off videa i sve što mogu reći je da sam stvarno ponosna na ono što je uspio u zadnjih nekoliko godina. Sjećam ga se iz Vegas girl videa i sada ga vidjeti sa Madison Beer i Pixie Lott je stvarno odlično. Ostavit ću link ako želite pogledati njegova videa. SING OFF
- I've currently been obsessed with Instagram. I thought about this white theme for a long time and now I somehow managed to bring it to life. If you want to follow me there, I'll leave a link. INSTAGRAM
- Trenutno sam opsjednuta Instagramom. Dugo sam razmišljala o toj bijeloj temi i sada sam je nekako uspjela oživjeti. Ako me želite zapratiti, ostavljam linkić. INSTAGRAM
- Studying, but I checked out Sonja's blog and I'm amazed.
- Učim, ali protrčala sam Sonjinim blogom i oduševljena sam.
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