Photo taken from We Heart It |
This is going to be a different post because I just feel like talking about this today. And also this is just my opinion about this topic.
Ovo će biti drugačija objava zato što danas jednostavno želim razgovarati o tome. I ovo je samo moje mišljenje o ovoj temi.
My height is 164 cm and my weight is 84 kg. I've always been overweighted and a lot of you guys know that. When I hit puberty and started looking at other girls and celebrities, I realised that I really hate my body and that I just want to change myself because I want to fit among the other beautiful girls. I hated looking at myself in the mirror.
Moja visina je 164 cm i moja težina je 84 kg. Uvijek sam bila pretila i puno vas to zna. Kada sam ušla u pubertet i počela gledati ostale cure i poznate zvijezde, shvatila sam da mrzim svoje tijelo i da se jednostavno želim promijeniti zato što se želim uklopiti s ostalim prekrasnim curama. Mrzila sam gledati se u ogledalo.
"why do I have such a big boobs?" "why are my legs so fat?" "why are my hips so big?" "why am I so big?"
"zašto imam tako velike grudi?" "zašto su mi noge tako debele?" "zašto su moji kukovi tako veliki? "zašto sam ja tako velika?"
I hated myself. I have been on so many diets since then. I stopped eating normally when I was about 12. I enjoyed pizzas, burgers and other stuff like a lot of normal kids that age do. I ate less than other girls my age but I have always been so much fatter than others. I think that the true answer is metabolism. I think that my metabolism is extremely slow. It is just a process where our body burns calories and breaks down fat. People whose metabolism is high can rarely gain any weight. I realised that I'm extremely happy with my body the way it is now. In high school, the way I saw myself also affected the way the others saw me. I never got into my swimming costume in front of my friends, I hated getting changed for P.E., I was bullied and called all kind of different names. But that was me. For me it was normal that people don't like me or that they call me all kind of different names. I was always feeling so bad. I had periods where I ate like crazy and periods where I didn't want to eat anything.
Mrzila sam se. Bila sam na hrpu dijeta od tada. Prestala sam jesti normalno kada sam imala otprilike 12 godina. Uživala sam u pizzama, hamburgerima i drugim stvarima kao i normalna djeca u toj dobi. Jela sam manje od drugih cura svojih godina ali uvijek sam bila puno deblja od ostalih. Mislim da je iskreni odgovor metabolizam. Mislim da je moj metabolizam iznimno spor. To je jednostavno proces gdje naše tijelo gubi kalorije i topi masti. Ljudi čiji je metabolizam brz rijetko mogu dobiti na kilaži. Shvatila sam da sam iznimno sretna s onime kako moje tijelo sada izgleda. U srednjoj školi, način na koji sam gledala sebe utjecao je na način na koji su me drugi gledali. Nikada nisam bila u kupaćem kostimu pred prijateljima, mrzila sam se presvlačiti za tjelesni, bila sam maltretirana i nazivana raznim imenima. Ali to sam bila ja. Meni je bilo normalno da se ne sviđam ljudima ili da me zovu raznim imenima. Uvijek sam se nekako osjećala loše. Imala sam periode kad sam jela kao luda a i periode kada nisam htjela ništa staviti u usta.
The way skinny people want to gain weight, the same way fat people want to lose weight.
Na način na koji mršavi ljudi žele dobiti na težini, na isti način debeli ljudi žele izgubiti na težini.
"you need to lose weight", "you are fat", "you look like a cow", "are you okay?"
"moraš izgubiti na kilaži", "debela si", "izgledaš kao krava", "jesi li dobro?"
These are the things that you would expect from curious children but sometimes I can still hear these things today, especially from the girls. Quite strange because I have now lost 18 kg, started working out and guys actually like the way I look. But girls somehow still say these bad stuff. Would you say these things to someone that is different than you?
Ovo su stvari koje bi očekivali od znatiželjne djece ali ponekad još uvijek čujem takve stvari, pogotovo od cura. Dosta čudno zato što sam izgubila 18 kg, počela vježbati i dečkima se zapravo sviđa kako izgledam. Ali cure još uvijek govore te loše stvari. Biste li vi govorili takve stvari nekome tko je drugačiji od vas?
"do you have anorexia?", "why don't you gain some weight", "you are a bag of bones", "why are you so skinny?", "are you okay?"
"boluješ li od anoreksije?", "zašto ne dobiješ malo na kilaži", "ti si sama kost i koža", "zašto si tako mršava?", "jesi li dobro?"
Would you say these things to someone who is skinnier than the average person? You probably wouldn't. But why is it normal to tell them to someone who is fatter than the others? Don't you think that it affects them the same way?
Biste li rekli ove stvari nekome tko je mršaviji od prosječne osobe? Vjerovatno ne biste. Ali zašto je normalno to reći nekome tko je deblji od ostalih? Zar ne mislite da ih to pogađa na isti način?
Since I'm studying nursing, I go to hospital for the practice. There was one nurse that made me feel so bad that I actually wanted to scream at her.
Studiram sestrinstvo, i zbog toga odlazim u bolnicu na praksu. Postoji jedna sestra zbog koje sam se osjećala užasno i samo sam htjela vrištati.
"call me that fat one"
"pozovi mi onu debelu"
The professor also told me that my BMI is bigger than the average. Nooo, I didn't know that...
Profesorica mi je također rekla da je moj BMI veći od prosječnog. Neee, nisam to znala...
Did she tell the skinny ones that their BMI is lower than the average? Probably not.
Da li je rekla mršavima da je njihov BMI manji od prosječnog? Vjerovatno ne.
Why is this BMI important? Who made this up? Is it important if you are a bit over or under the "line"? Being happy in your own skin, isn't that what matters the most? Yeah, I may be bigger and fatter than the other people, but I'm happy in my own skin. I'm losing weight and it mostly disappears from my face. With exercising, I'm just trying to make myself healthier, it's not that I workout because of losing weight. Is that bad?
Zašto je BMI toliko važan? Tko je to izmislio? Da li je važno ako je netko mrvicu iznad ili ispod "crte"? Biti sretan u svojoj vlastitoj koži, zar to nije ono što je najvažnije? Da, možda jesma veća i deblja od drugih ljudi, ali ja sam sretna u svojoj vlastitoj koži. Gubim na težini i to se najviše vidi na mom licu. Vježbanjem, samo pokušavam živjeti zdravije, ne vježbam kako bih gubila na težini. Zar je to loše?
We all hate something about our bodies and that won't change. Someone hates their hands. They are skinny, boney... Others hate their legs. They are too skinny, they are fat... But you should love your body. If you are skinny you should be happy that you can eat anything you want and it won't be visable on your body. For overweighted girls, I can say that you should be happy that you have a body like that, some other people would kill for it. I also noticed that guys like curvy girls more than the skinny ones.
Svi mrzimo nešto na našem tijelu i to se neće promijeniti. Netko mrzi svoje ruke. Mršave su, koštunjave... Drugi mrze svoje noge. Premršave su, debele su... Ali trebali bi voljeti svoje tijelo. Ako ste mršavi trebali bi biti sretni što možete pojesti bilo što i to neće biti vidljivo na vašem tijelu. Za deblje cure, mogu reći da bi trebale biti sretne što imate takvo tijelo, neki ljudi bi ubili da ga imaju. Također sam primijetila da se dečkima više sviđaju cure s oblinama nego one mršave.
Calling someone fat or skinny is acceptable? Who are you that you can judge that?
Zvati nekoga debelim ili mršavim je prihvatljivo? Tko si ti da to možeš prosuđivati?
"She/He is fat, probably mcdonalsd and coke all day."
"She/He is skinny, probably an eating disorder."
"On/Ona je debel/a, vjerovatno samo mcdonalds i cola po cijele dane."
"On/Ona je mršav/a, vjerovatno ima neki poremećaj u prehrani."
It's not fair. We can't choose our genes, metabolism, body structure. There is a hundred reasons why is someone in that shape or why their body looks the certain way.
Nije fer. Ne možemo birati naše gene, metabolizam, strukturu tijela. Postoji stotinu razloga zašto je netko u takvoj formi ili zašto njihovo tijelo izgleda baš tako.
So, calling someone fat is acceptable? As an overweighted person I can tell you that it's not nice to be called out for being this or that, especially because I tried to lose weight and I wanted to look like an average person. It's a personal topic, but I just felt like talking about it. A lot of people ask me about my height and my weight, I'm usually ashamed to talk about it, but now I opened up.
Pa, zvati ljude debelima je prihvatljivo? Kao pretila osoba mogu vam reći da nije lijepo kada ste prozvani zbog toga i toga, pogotovo zato što pokušavam izgubiti na težini i izgledati kao prosječna osoba. To je osobna tema, ali jednostavno sam imala potrebu pričati o tome. Puno ljudi me pitalo o visini i težini, inače me sram pričati o tome, ali sad sam se otvorila.
Moral of the story, don't ever comment on anyone's weight, skinny or fat. Why do we have an urge to talk about someone else's body or life? It becomes dangerous when you open your mouth and actually say those bad words. If you are happy with the way you look, just live your life. If you aren't, be happy because you are probably doing something to change it.
Poanta priče, nikad ne komentirajte o tuđoj težini, bili oni mršavi ili debeli. Zašto imamo nagon da pričamo o tuđem tijelu ili životu? Postaje opasno kada otvorite usta i zapravo kažete te loše riječi. Ako ste sretni s onime kako izgledate, samo živite svoj život. Ako ste nesretni, budite sretni zato što vjerovatno radite nešto kako bi to promijenili.
We are different and no one is perfect. It would be boring if we all looked the same.
Drugačiji smo i nitko nije savršen. Bilo bi dosadno kad bi svi izgledali jednako.
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